It's Springtime In Missouri


Spring in Missouri
By Mary J Williams ©

The other day
When I was out
I saw many birds
Flying about

First, I saw
A Red-winged Blackbird flying
I saw a Robin on the ground
A Killdeer out there crying

Then I saw the Grackles
With their tale held high
Vying for a female
Come on don’t be shy

It’s springtime in Missouri
Some have daffodils in bloom
I don’t have them yet
Soon their yellow will break the gloom

I have had the crocus
And my mini daffodils
I saw tulips coming up
Which gave me a thrill

Up on the front porch
A pair of Carolina Wrens
Went and grabbed my camera
But couldn’t find them in the lens

When I step out upon my deck
I listen to all the birds
I hear the Bluebirds and Starlings
Cardinals and more singing their words

I wish I could understand
What they are saying
I guess I’d have to be a bird
But a human I am staying

I love Spring
I love the flowers and the birds
It’s just so hard to explain
There just aren’t enough words!

Carolina Wren

Northern Cardinal



Red-winged Blackbird

Eastern Bluebird

Mini Daffodils


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