Entertaining Birds 7-18-2023

Cooking Entertainment
By Mary J Williams

I am cooking supper
It’s really hard to do
Watching all the antics
The birds are going through

The Red-bellied Woodpecker
Is like the boss of all
Even the Blue Jay stays away
He won’t start a brawl

The Hairy Woodpecker
Is a little bolder
He pecks at the seed
From under the holder

Red-bellied didn’t seem to care
He was eating all he wanted
The Hairy was eating too
And wasn’t even daunted

After a little while
The Downy’s flew in
There were three of them
I don’t think they were kin

They moved from place to place
Trying to get close to the seed
Finally, the Red-bellied left
And they began to feed

The Red-bellied Juvie was first
On the scene
Then came the mom
With dad in between

The Downy’s would wait
Until they would leave
Hoping they would stay gone
They wanted some seed.

The Titmouse was there
But to the other feeder it went
As did the House Finch
And sparrows with no argument

Fun times at the window
But sure, is hard to cook
When the birds are entertaining
It’s very hard not to look
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Juvenile on top with
the Hairy Woodpecker on the pole 7-18-2023


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