I Had A Tumble

I was watering the plants and bushes and going to put water in the bird bath when the next thing I knew I was on the ground rolling over and over, traveling about 12-15 feet. This was all downhill on a concrete sidewalk.  I wrote a poem of the incident. Hope you enjoy! I  love to tell stories in my poems

Rolling On Concrete
By Mary J Williams ©

I am a klutz                                                                    
There is no doubt
I rolled down a hill
Received a big clout

My wrist hurt
My knee did too
A bump on my head
I hurt through and through

I managed to get up
All on my own
Good thing too
As I forgot my phone

When I go outside
Should have my phone
But this time forgot
I should have known

I got in the house
Sore as could be
My wrist hurt the worst
More than the knee

Later I made a pie
Peaches needed to be used
Some were so soft
They were getting bruised

Then we had supper
My wrist, not so good
Later that night
Swelling, ER is the likelihood

After the morning stuff
Jim settled in
Charlene and dog
Stayed with him

A fracture of the wrist
Is what they told me
A splint to be applied
Nothing wrong with the knee

The splint was applied
Top of arm to tips of the fingers
Plaster cast all wrapped
The pain still lingers

My hand really hurt
I tried to get some sleep
But the pain in my hand
I could get no relief

I finally gave up
No sleep for me
Called the hospital
Now off to emergency

12:30 a.m. I arrived
I had to wait for a bit
Only one ahead of me
Thank goodness as the pain didn’t quit

The nurse brought me back
Took the wrapping off the fingers
The swelling receded
But there was some that lingered

The Physician’s Assistant
Said splint way too tight
Taking all off
A re-do in sight

Much smaller splint
My fingers could move
My pinky still numb
I hope it improves

Finally, home after 3 a. m.
Went to bed, get to sleep
The dogs will be up
So, don’t sleep too deep

And so, it begins
Doing all with one hand
When the splint is removed
Strike up the band!     Page 1

It’s time to finish this
The splint is off the arm
The Ortho Dr. said no break
The splint gave me harm

Arthritis I have
Quite a lot in the thumb
That unnecessary cast
Was really pretty dumb

My pinky still hurts
And it’s been 10 days
But I got some Arthritis cream
Hopefully it helps, I pray

Skinned knee is almost healed
The bump on my head now gone
I really think I’m mending
If there is a next time, I hope I fall on the lawn!!

First splint - before plaster dried

After the plaster dried and fingers pinched

Shorter cast and able to move fingers


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