Heated Birdbath for Winter

Heated Birdbath You Need
By Mary J Williams ©

Writing a poem
About the birdbath outside
Don’t know If I can
Messing it up, I can’t abide

A heated birdbath
You really need
In the winter weather
They don’t just eat seed

Watching out the window
Just the other day
A sparrow flew in
Drinking, plus stayed to play

It’s 18 degrees
In the water to bathe
I have seen other birds
In there that day

It startled me plenty
A few years ago
When the Starlings bathed
18 degrees that day also

I have to remember
In this frigid weather
Birdbath water is above freezing
And they have to clean their feathers

The squirrel even visited
All other sources are frozen
My water is not
My water is well chosen

I had to clean the birdbath
It was not at all clean
When the waters that way
The birds barely preen

I scrubbed it all out
I brought it inside
Standing out in the cold
Couldn’t do it, I tried

It’s all cleaned out
Fresh water is in
At least 6 birds already here 
Which really made me grin
Snow-cold and Starlings in Birdbath

Starlings and Bluebirds needing water

2022 edges of birdbath frozen

Male and Female Eastern Bluebirds on frozen
edge of birdbath

Black-capped Chickadee in 2022 getting a drink

It was 6°F in 2019 when the starlings were drinking 
and walking through the water. 


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