I Ignored Wearing My Gloves

I Didn’t Wear My Gloves
By Mary J Williams ©

No gloves on my hands
Digging up weeds
Where are they you ask
Put them on, you should plead

Will I ignore you
Probably so
I’m digging and weeding
And I’m on a roll

Don’t want to stop
If I do, I might quit
Pulled so many weeds
My hands are full of grit

What’s that there
On my left index finger
Oops looks like a skin tear
I’m not going to whimper

Just a little tear
No blood do I see
I continue on
Before it’s over there may be three

Have rinsed off my hands
With the spray on the hose
Cleaning out the fingernails
Until no more dirt shows

Those gloves were laying
Not twelve feet away
Sorry, too far to walk
Is all I can say

Not really, not far
But hands already a mess
Putting on gloves now
Wouldn’t make any sense



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