A Critter Story

The Cat And The Chipmunk
By Mary J Williams ©

My neighbor has a cat
That roams the neighborhood
Sometimes he comes to see me
I’d probably keep him if I could

A yellow cat is he
This cat that roams around
Most of the time I see him
He is laying on the ground

Yesterday was no exception
He was in the other neighbor’s yard
Just lying there, I thought
But looked like he was on guard

Next thing I know
He is up and does a pounce
Something he was after
Did a little bounce

This happened over and over
I finally went inside the house
Grabbed my camera with the zoom
Thinking to see a mouse

The cat was teasing a chipmunk
A tiny little thing
I know I cuss those critters
But right now, sadness it did bring

I went over to where they were
I chased the cat away
Little chipmunk crawled on my foot
Thanking me in his way

Then the little thing
Took off as fast as he could
He knew he was safe for now
Ran from where I stood

A great large stand of myrtle
Vines lying all around
Little chipmunk ran right in
Hopefully wouldn’t be found                     


Going to pounce

Found the chipmunk with camera zoom

Cat playing with the chipmunk
                       Just before he climbed on my foot


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