Moss Rose aka Portulaca aka Rose Moss - Chief's colors -The Football Garden poem

Many years ago we bought these planters that hung from the side of the deck bolted on the 2x6.  I tried many flowers in the boxes through the years and finally I settled on the Moss Rose.  I had a certain mindset back then. I didn't plant any flowers that weren't Red, Yellow/Gold, or White. You see, I am this huge Chief's fan (still am) and I decided I would only have those colors in my gardens.
If you know about the Moss Rose they drop lots of seed and come up the next year.  The plants you purchase come in all different colors. I picked off the buds that were not yellow, white or red. Okay, call me silly or whatever, but that's what I did.

These plants and seeds are so durable. You wouldn't believe what they have been through. The boxes fell from the deck several times. It's a squirrel and raccoon thing.  Jim or I would go down, check to see if the box survived the fall, scooped up the dirt and put it back in the boxes, then put them back on their hangers.  Not once, in all the years, have the seeds not come up and bloomed.

This year I wasn't so sure I was going to get the plants. First of all, all the freezing and thawing during the winter. Then tons of bird seed got in the feeders this year and it was solid with sunflower shells.  I didn't add any soil to the boxes so I pretty much thought I would have to start over from scratch this year.

One day, I went out and saw the little plants starting in both the boxes. I couldn't believe my eyes.  They are in full bloom now and one of the boxes has totally white blooms.  How that happened I do not know. The other has the red, yellow and white. I had my grapefruit trees that I have in pots on the deck last year. I brought them in the house for the winter and this year put them in the front yard.  I have some Moss Rose growing in them. I can't wait to see what color they will be. LOL!

I wrote a poem about my Chief's Garden a long time ago. I would like to share it with you and then I have pictures of the flowers taken today.

The Football Garden ©
By Mary J Williams

The rain was coming down
And now the sun is out
My seeds were in the ground
The flowers will surely sprout.

The flowers are all blooming now
In colors of red, yellow and white
Colors of the Kansas City Chiefs
Much to my delight.

Roses and red sedum
Are making up the red
Coreopsis and marigolds
Blooms of yellow in their beds.

White is more roses
Candy Tuft and daises
A plan I carefully thought up
Some people think I’m crazy.

My garden was planted with care
It took a lot of thought
This is my favorite football team
Those colors were the ones I bought.

A little green is added in
I think it’s a wonderful theme
To make the Kansas City Chiefs
The basis of my garden scheme.

I don't know how I got all white but they sure are pretty

Red, Yellow and White


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