Neighborhood Watch by an Owl

I am so thrilled!  I just took my shower. Had on my bermuda type shorts and a t-shirt, sitting at my computer, when the phone rang.  My neighbor called to tell me there was a large owl sitting on the lines in front of her porch.  It was a cable line.  I grabbed my camera and headed out the door. Did I grab a jacket, no. It was 47°F at the time.  I was nice and warm from my hot shower but my head was still wet!  When there is a bird or critter involved, makes no difference!!!

I went down to see if I could see the owl. It's quite dark but they had their porch light on.  I got a picture just as the owl turned to look over at me.  My neighbor's hubby came out with his flashlight and put some light on the owl.  The owl didn't fly.  I got some more pictures!  I then came home. A little chilly but absolutely thrilled to death that I saw this owl. Wasn't quite sure which one it was but knew a couple it wasn't.  I uploaded the pictures to my computer and posted the pictures on the River Bluffs Audubon Society.  One of the members of the page did the ID of the owl right away! A Barred Owl.  I have watched those owls on cams.  I am so excited that I got to see one in person. What a lovely end to the day!!!!

What a marvelous Owl

Barred Owl


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