About Two Grandmother's of Mine and Their Talent- Iza Covert Dietz and Nilah Grinnell Howorth
I wanted to write about my two Grandmothers. They were both so talented but in different ways. I feel like I inherited some of each of their talents. Grandma Iza Covert Dietz was the step-mom of my Dad, Raymond J. Dietz. She was a wonderful lady! Her talent was in her stitching and her knitting. She knew I loved horses and did a needlepoint of a horses head. I also took tap dance and ballet. Grandma Dietz did, what I believe is cross-stitch, of a ballet dancer. After giving it to me, she told me she wasn't happy with the chartreuse background but I loved it! Years later, my mother gave me a flower that was also done in cross-stitch. Grandma Dietz was a talented knitter and made me many pairs of gloves, which I, being a kid, promptly lost most of them. All but one of the gloves usually. When I went out to California, I wrote her and asked if she would knit me a pair of gloves. I took a pencil and went around my hand...