Found Another Thing the Raccoon Did Last Night


The Other Thing the Raccoon Did Last Night
By Mary J Williams ©

I was helping neighbor Chloe
Put her plants into the ground
She had tomatoes and peppers
A couple of sunflowers too, I found

We worked away
Digging the holes
I was instructing
She was learning new goals

I told her we needed stakes
Plants needed the support
I knew I had some around
But some were mighty short

I went to look over by the shed
I opened the gate in front of me
You will never guess
What was laying there to see

The lid from the thirty gallon can
I use for the sunflower seed
I looked inside the can
Chewed up seed, something had a good feed

Now, the lid I had on the can
Was really weighted down
A two-gallon pot, filled to the brim
With Rocks! You should see my frown!

The pot had been knocked off
The lid had been pulled up
Dropped upon the ground
Seeds been eaten? Yup!

When I took the nuts in last night
The raccoon was probably ticked
He wasn’t about to do without
The rocks and lid did not restrict!

I think the raccoon has beaten me
There’s not much more I can do
Except to use a trap again
Remove him and we will be through!



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