My Latest Critter Escapade
I am sitting at the table reading my book and eating some grapes for a snack. I just happened to look down and saw there was a bad spot on the grape I was about to put in my mouth! Eww! Nasty looking. I laid it on the table! I then had a couple of peanuts, gave one each to the dogs. Grabbed the bad grape and the grape bag, put the bag in the refrigerator and decided to take the grape and put it on the railing of the deck along with the apple pieces I put there earlier.
I really wish I carried my camera with me all the time. I opened the door and the raccoon was there. He left the bird feeder, with the mixed nuts in it, in a big hurry! It was 8:15 p.m. I watched as he went down the steps and onto the lower deck. He turned and looked up at me. I took the grape in my hand and threw it! It landed not to far from him. He ran over, picked it up and ate it all the while looking at me. I wondered if he would eat the apple but as I threw it, he turned and ran out of the area, slid between the fence and the gate and headed for the wooded area behind our property.
I stood there and laughed! I was bringing in the suet and seed so the raccoon wouldn't get it during the night and I threw food to him! Do you see the humor in this escapade?
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