Hoping to Beat that old Raccoon This Time!
It started a while ago when the raccoon tore down a feeder! I didn't replace it for a very long time. I eventually purchased the tubular kind. Bronze or Copper with a wire that circles so the birds can get but maybe a tad harder for the squirrels. I filled it up with sunflower seed. The first time I filled it, it lasted for about a week. Birds aren't the best about going to new feeders. I didn't see the squirrel on it, but it's farther down in the yard, so, don't see it as well. This morning I decided to fill up the platform feeder with the Wild Bird Seed Mix! When I proceeded to the feeder, I notice the new one was missing! Did I tell you about the other new one that went missing? I don't think I did! I looked and looked for it and couldn't find it. I weeded along the fence line even and not to be found. I even asked my neighbor to be on the look out for it if he went down to the back of our properties. The next Saturday...