I Have Problems Quitting
Don’t Know When to Quit By Mary J Williams © No outside work for me today My back and arms say no Too much digging and pulling So, now I’m moving slow Played a couple of games Did some email too Going to the library Give hubby something to do On the way home Stopped at East End Drug Talked about our dogs That we all give big hugs Then on to the house I knew what I had to do Pulled in and parked Bag of weeds, quite a few Hauled the bag down the hill Bag’s bottom is nice and hard So slid it down, no lifting Time to empty, I'm out of yard Here I have to lift But two handles help me do it Then just twist back and forth The stuff comes out bit by bit Back up the hill What do gardeners do? They see a weed growing there And more then just a few So, bend and pull And pull some more One’s a little tough It’s quite a chore Uh oh, the back g...