And Then There Was Three
The Savior of Three By Mary J Williams © I let the dogs out And there was another Laying in the cage guard It wasn’t the others mother It was really kind of small Another sparrow for sure Why are they getting caught What would be the cure Don’t put more seed out Is the only thing I can think of Then they won’t fight And push and shove I think that is what happens They are all a little bit greedy Everyone wants the most Some are really speedy This little one didn’t stand a chance A smaller one for sure Its whole body was caught The trampling it couldn’t endure I am out to the rescue Unclenched the little feet Pulled him through the cage In my hands was kind of neat Got him pulled out backwards If you can believe such a thing I laid him in the flowers And off he flew on the wing I am not looking out the window At least no more tonight I sure hope another doesn’t get caught Death would be its plight 8-21-2023 this isn't the feeder but sparrows at the seed arguing all the time while th...