A New Year 2024

 I have already wrote several poems but none really fit in this blog. I watch the birds daily. They empty a bird feeder that I have on the deck, every day. It's not a real small feeder either.  I will see if I can find a picture of it. It's one that the squirrels can't invade. The openings close up when they try and get the seed.  However, the feeder is close to the 2x6 on the deck. I have seen them reach and put no weight on the feeder and grab a bite.  One squirrel hung from the top and reached in. If there is a will, they find a way! So, I saw a squirrel out there. Maybe the birds didn't eat it all! Who knows

Today, the 12th of January, I was attempting to cook a supper and noticed a Mockingbird on the hot seed.  Looked so pretty as it was all fluffed out because of the bitter cold and wind.  It was around 16°F at that time. It's colder now. My battery in my camera died. Yes, I do use a camera, not just a phone!  I switched to a fully charged battery but the Mockingbird left by the time I got back to the window.  A cute Tufted Titmouse was there, so I got a picture of it! Then the Blue Jay. They are so cool. He flew off just as I snapped. Picture a little blurred but you can see him will enough to know he had a nice sized piece of food. 

Hope you enjoy the poem. Let me know!  Enjoy the few pictures too!

Birdy It’s Cold Outside
By Mary J Williams ©

It was 46°F this morning
There was a thunderstorm
Lightening all around
This is not the norm

I wrote a little poem
I shared it with Facebook friends
This is for the blog
In a way it never ends

I took some pictures
On the fourth of this year
Today the 12th, I'm at the window
Some were not too clear

My battery was dying
I didn’t realize in time
So, I missed a good picture
A Mockingbird in his prime

It was cold and windy
The temperatures had dropped
The Mockingbird was all fluffed up
The wind he hoped to stop

I had my camera in hand
But focus it would not
A red flashing battery sign
No picture that I sought

I changed the battery then
Got a picture of the Titmouse
Then the Blue Jay flew in
He patiently waited, he wasn’t a louse

The Tufted Titmouse flew off
The Blue Jay got a turn
I snapped one picture then another
They move fast I did learn

The last picture blurred
Because he was taking flight
I didn’t think I got it
But I did, I kept him in my sight

Not the best picture
But I kept it just the same
That Blue Jay had a big bite
To take back from where he came

Tufted Titmouse

he posed so pretty and was waiting patiently while the 
Tufted Titmouse ate

                                                             Look at the large morsel of food


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