More on the Experiment Plants!! Read Blog of 6-21-2018

Anything is possible! Planter on the deck with
Straight-necked Squash growing when the cabbages were all torn up and eaten up.  I just planted something else. Doesn't hurt to try!


On June 18th the tomato was destroyed. Broken off by a critter!  The pepper plant was my own fault. Leaned over to try and fix the tomato (lost cause) and broke off the pepper.
First I took the top of the tomato and shoved it in the soil. No special treatment. Took off one leaf and shoved it in to the top portion. The bottom part I was going to pull up but then decided to leave it just to see if it would grow and possibly bare fruit.
this was all that was left of the tomato
 on 6-18-2018

6-21 where there was a little new growth

The top pushed into the ground on 6-18-2018

Now the pepper I didn't have much hope for.  First of all the chipmunk came through the holes on the cage I put around it. They also burrowed under it. Thought for sure the part I pushed into the ground was done for. I think I replanted it at least two times.  Here are the pictures of the pepper from before:

there were only a couple of leaves and you should have seen it after I replanted the 2nd time.  Looked really bad
the broken part with the new growth coming out. Taken on 6-21-2018

Now today, I looked at these plants.  The tomato looks almost like one you plant in the spring that has been growing a bit.
The tomato is growing 

Tiny little buds have appeared too

Would you believe this was the top I stuffed in the ground?  7-20-2018
A month later.

And look at that poor sickly top. 7-20-2018.
Now I wonder if it will bare fruit!

Most of the energy has gone to growing but
there are tiny little buds on the pepper


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