The Church Project-Done!

I can't help it.  It's the way I am. I don't understand it, but rhyming again. Good grief it is strange, to think everything in rhymes, but I do it so often, feels like all the time!  I am doing it again, as you can plainly see. I wonder if there is something wrong with me!
Here is my poem and pictures from today. I have nothing more to say!

The Church Project
By Mary J Williams ©

The church project is done
I finished today
It’s supposed to rain
So, no time to play

It’s very humid today
But the sun is not out
It’s much better working
Of that, there’s no doubt

Pulled up more stones
Buried under mulch and the dirt
Cleaned out the path
Got sweat on my shirt

I put black cloth down
To put the stones on
They come from the door
And end up at the lawn

It’s not perfectly straight
But I did my best
Been working hard
Now I need a rest

A drink of water
Is what I really need
Then I can tackle
The nasty little weeds

The weeding is now finished
I stand back and look
The area looks good
Only three days, (nine hours) it took.

A few pictures taken
To record all that was done
Pastor Scott doesn’t like weeding
But I think it’s fun!

This is before I went to work on day 1

Before on day 1

day 3

All finished- day 3

The steps all uncovered and replaced

I found a critter too


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