Yard and Garden Over for A While

Not the weather, this time!  It's putting ones foot down where there isn't anything but space and falling, pretty much on your face. 
Jamming the right arm into the dirt, coming away with mud on your shirt.
Good thing I could move, as no one was around. Time for hubbies nap and he doesn't hear a sound.
I finally made it up, my right arm is not working well
similar to rotatory cuff injury from long time ago. Only time will tell.
This happened on April 22 out on the deck
I will find you a picture and show you by heck.
Went to the emergency room where x-rays were taken
I was given a sling as there wasn't any break in
I am not a happy camper, cant' finish what I started
with all the rain, the weeds are growing and that's not for the fainthearted.
Oh woe is me! That's what I say
falling down is not the way
"It is what it is"! I hate that particular saying
I guess it's the message it's conveying
Nothing I can do, just sit and wait.
Wait for the Dr. to call, I phoned just after eight
Can't lift the arm so not much I can do.
How would you like me to hire you?
Vacuuming needs to be done, and the dusting too
I might manage the dusting but the other is up to you
My grass is growing too. I had my son do it last year
I hope he will again. He would be such a dear.
Well, now you know the story about my aches and pains
I hope I never have to write something like this again.
In case you can't read the picture- arrow is where I was going to step up to that level. X is here I landed face in the dirt and hurt!


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