A Good Birding Day!

 Okay, I saw lots of birds but if I don't get a picture, I don't consider it a "good" birding day!

However, I should have waited, but then, I was up at 4 a.m. and I was already getting tired by 8 a.m.  When you get old, that's what happens sometimes.

I took a tour of my yard trying to see if the Crepe Myrtle was dead or just slow. Well, some may be dead and some is just slow. I am going to wait as new leaves are sprouting out daily. Then trim out the dead branches, if any!

The green Japanese Maple in the front yard had a lot of frost damage and I was hoping it would start sprouting out new leaves. It has and that makes me happy! 

I found a couple of plants that I am really not sure of. I ran my app on my phone called "Picture This". So far it's been pretty accurate but there is a question in my mind as to what the plant is and what they say it is. I know confusing, but where do these plants come from? The birds are most likely the culprit. The app says the one is wild petunia. Not real sure the leaves are the same. I guess this is the waiting game time! The other questionable one, was one the app said, was Lyreleaf sage. Again, I have no clue where it came from. Let one grow and dig the rest up and make sure after I check the bloom, take it off so it doesn't reseed it I don't want it.

Now, what does this have to do with a good birding day, you ask? While walking around in the back, checking out the plants, I heard a Woodpecker. He flew in to the suet. Luckily, at that time, I had my camera and not the phone. I took a couple of pictures of the Red-bellied Woodpecker and was real happy! So, Yep, it's a Good Birding Day! 

Eating suet!

Look at the hunk of suet he has! 


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