My Chickadee Poem


The Chickadee
By Mary J Williams ©

In and out
That is how
That Chickadee
Flies about

Flies to the feeder
Grabs a seed
Off to a perch
And then it will feed

Black-capped or Carolina
I can’t tell them apart
Maybe some experts can tell
But I am not that smart

I love how they talk
When I am filling the seed
They give me some grief
Until they can feed

I love to watch
As they fly to and fro
To one perch then to another
They put on a great show

They move so fast
Rarely sit still
Hard to get a picture
But one day I will

They do stop to drink
The birdbath’s right there
They might even bathe
They do it with flare

Watching the Chickadee
Is a wonderful thing
It’s a Blessing they are
The feelings they bring


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