Continuing Mouse Saga part 2

The Continuing Mouse Saga
By Mary J Williams

Another load of wash
Or maybe it’s two
Wait think it’s ten
Just so much to do

Another bunch to the cleaners
Probably another high bill
That mouse got on everything
The cleaner is for me, help me it will

Today was the Seminar
I missed the whole thing
Even Vendors were there
With items they did bring.

I’m making a bill
To give to a mouse
Of all monies spent
While cleaning the house

Money for the cleaning
How about water and soap
Purchases from Walmart
Without those, I couldn’t cope

Allergies are going crazy
Sneezing and such
Grabbed a box of Kleenex
Opened them, they do have a soft touch

Hey, what’s a person to do
With their nose dripping there in the store
Wipe it on your sleeve?
Or blow and blow some more

Oh, those little mice
Them and those nasty turds
They could have stayed outside
This I can concur

So, here is the deal
Only for Claire
Lots of words rhyme with Turd
Just so you are aware!


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