Gardening, New Shed and Mice
Gardening has begun! I don't have a large garden, but my flower beds will be holding both flowers and veggies. Just because I can, I cut the end off the large bunch of celery. That end went directly into a flower pot outside. Since I planted it we have had below freezing temperatures. I figured if it was going to make it would, if not, I would try again! It is still growing strong. I also cut a potato that had sprouts. Put the cut pieces in a 1/2 whiskey barrel I used last year for flowers and peppers. I have two potato plants growing. Today was the day of cleaning up after my son and granddaughter built a shed for us. I have decided I need a shelf to put the flower pots on. I can't wait to tell you what happened. I was cleaning the top of the table I had put my flower pots on, for the winter. I covered them up with a large container with rope handles. I lifted up the top and little mice went running everywhere. I laughed. There were several pots, one...