The Red-bellied Woodpecker vs. the European Starling

 This morning, December 22, 2022, a storm was to come in. We, here in Jefferson City, MO, are under a winter storm warning until Friday at 12 a.m.

I have been watching closely and even checked the National Weather's radar.  The storm was West of us a little after 7:00 a.m.  Our temperature, at that time, was 26°F. 

I was standing at the sink and looking out the kitchen window, when I noticed the water was very low in the heated birdbath.  I filled up my tea kettle and walked out on the deck. I noticed my feet were crunching on the deck floor.  I felt a mist in the air. The crunch was like a frozen mist. Not slick like ice! I was very careful though! 

I went and finished my breakfast and was going to get a fresh cup of coffee and wash out the cereal bowl as soon as Lacy got all the lickings.  I saw the Starlings on the suet block and a lone Downy trying to "wait it out" to get her share of the suet.  I had to help! I opened the back door and the Starlings took off. The Downy stayed. As soon as the Starlings were out of sight, Ms. Downy jumped on the block of suet and started in getting something to eat.  I went back to the sink to finish washing the items from breakfast, looked out the window and saw a male Red-bellied Woodpecker on the one feeder that holds the nuts.  A couple of Starlings were there. One of them jumped on the feeder. The Red-bellied took exception to the arrival and stabbed his beak at the Starling. The Starling moved off to the side and up and then came down from another angle. Red-bellied wasn't having that happen, and took another jab with the beak at the Starling. The fight was on! Red did a couple of jabs to the left, Star went higher on the feeder and jabbed with a right to Red. Red countered with a couple of jabs just as Star was moving, caught Star in the side. Star tried to counter, but Red came in with another couple of jabs to the body. Starling flew off.  I think at the same time the Red-bellied took flight. Another Starling showed up on the feeder. Nope, not on my watch! I opened the back door and made an ARGH! sound. Off flew the Starlings. 

The temperature has dropped to 16°F and the time is now 8:35a.m.  It was that temperature at 8:00 a.m.  I just went and checked my weather station and the temperature that is registering is 12°F. Wind is blowing and its snowing. Not the heavy thick snow but a lighter snow.  The Starlings had already splashed water out of the birdbath, so I took more water out. 

Just as I came in the house, the Tufted Titmouse showed up and grabbed a nut and flew off. As long as the Starlings aren't around, they (there is at least two pair) will fly in and out to get the nuts.

Well, story time is over for now. See you next time!

Same Red-bellied Woodpecker but on suet
when this was taken

How the Starling take a bath even in the
temperatures today


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