Finally Pictures of a Hummingbird

My Hummingbird Story
By Mary J Williams ©

I’ve waited from spring
And into the summer
I wanted a picture of
A small little hummer!

Today I was out
Spraying water around
Pulling squash bugs off pumpkins
And throwing them to the ground

Right in front of me
A humming bird flew
I actually had my camera
Hopefully a picture or two

On the dianthus
Bright red is the color
Darting from one
And then to another

I clicked away
Hoping for a good one
He flew away
I thought I was done

I watched where he flew
The crepe myrtle was there
He landed in the branches
I was so happy, I swear!

She moved just a bit
Just as I started to focus her in
I snapped a picture
And then did so again

I think I got her
She looked so cute
Pretty sure it’s a female
You might dispute

I am just happy
I was out there right then
And grabbed a few pictures
My face is all grins!                                                                            9-12-2023

1st picture

2nd picture

3rd picture

4th picture

5th picture

6th picture

7th picture resting in the Crepe Myrtle


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