Who Is the Tough Guy on the Suet?
I have watched the birds for a long time. I have had suet and birdfeeders out all year. Sometimes, in summer, I only have the seed. Even though I have used the "No Melt" suet, I don't like it as it crumbles up something awful and is all over the deck! Sometimes other birds, such as the Eastern Bluebird, will come in and eat some of the crumbs. Just not good enough though. I have read so many posts on how the Blue Jay is such a tough hombre'. Not really! Starlings and Grackles are overwhelming because they bring in so many to the feeders. When the European Starling gets in the mood for a bath, he invites all his buddies. I have to fill the birdbath 3-4 times in a couple of hours. They splash and have a great time! Sparrows even gather on the suet. Many of them at a time. Still, they aren't very tough! So, who do you think is the toughest on my feeders? The male and the female Red-bellied Woodpecker, that's who. I just watched the male fly in among the spa...