
Showing posts from March, 2022

Turkey Vulture

The Turkey Vulture By Mary J Williams  © They are not my favorite bird But soar high above my head I see them flying high Looking for something dead These birds even have a smell For over a mile away You should be glad they do They keep nasty bugs at bay Vultures are even protected From all the hunters out there For research, special permits required Doesn’t happen often, I swear! Now you know about the Turkey Vulture Flying in the sky Catching the thermals Floating way up high. When it had been raining To a pole they came near me Spreading the wings to dry I grabbed my camera, as I could see Pictures of drying the wings They were all flared out I was thrilled to get the pictures Doesn’t happen often, I have no doubt!     March 30, 2022  11:34 A.M. 

Just One More Day

Just One Day By Mary J Williams © Yesterday, driving around I looked in the many yards I didn’t see one flower And that, sure was hard One day later Driving down the street Flowers were everywhere To everyone they did greet Just one day, just One day Now blooms are on a tree Just one day is what it was Before, I wasn’t patient, you see Today, as I was driving All the flowers in bloom Forsythia was too Guess it’s the sun, I assume It’s only the low fifties And the wind is blowing hard Yet those flowers all popped out In everybody’s yard Yes, even in my own Where there were none yesterday I have Hyacinth and Anemone And the Daffodils are out to play I feel better now Not so awfully blue I should have had more patience Just one more day would do!

Gardening Time and Spring

It’s Spring, Where Are My Flowers By Mary J Williams It’s Thirty-eight degrees Raining outside Third day in a row No wonder my flowers hide Just a few mini daffodils And crocus have bloomed too No tulips, hyacinth or anything else This really makes me blue! I look forward to this time of year It’s my favorite you see Seeing all the birds And flowers blooming with glee I have heard the birds singing Preparing for the nests But haven’t any flowers Even Peepers are still at rest I want the Peepers singing One of the first signs of spring Maybe with their sounds The flowers it will bring I have a lot of bulbs Popping up their heads Now if only the sun Would warm up their beds I hope tomorrow is warmer And my daffodils will flower Then my scilla will be everywhere And they will have the power I’m feeling somewhat better I love the internet you see I’m listening to recordings Of Peepers sounds for me I just have to be patient The flowers will come in time Plus hearing all the birds It will ...

The End of the Mouse Saga

End of the Mouse Saga By Mary J Williams I set four traps And for two days, no mouse Could I get lucky Are they out of the house? One trap is missing Nowhere to be found I didn’t move it I even looked on the ground Looked in the trash bin Swept the floor clean No mouse trap around It’s a mystery it seems I continued to clean Threw away this and that I threw away rags And even an old matt All the time looking For that missing trap I hear a strange noise A rat a tat tat I pull out the bin holding white clothes the mouse in the trap not dead, goodness knows I ended the life of that little mouse He was too far injured to save I know that’s what a mouse trap is for But with me doing it, I’m not that brave I hope no more are around No longer come into the house This is way too traumatic I feel like a big louse I also don’t want to do What I’ve done for the last three days Cleaning and laundry up to my eyes Please little mice, mend your ways!!!

Continuing Mouse Saga part 2

The Continuing Mouse Saga By Mary J Williams Another load of wash Or maybe it’s two Wait think it’s ten Just so much to do Another bunch to the cleaners Probably another high bill That mouse got on everything The cleaner is for me, help me it will Today was the Seminar I missed the whole thing Even Vendors were there With items they did bring. I’m making a bill To give to a mouse Of all monies spent While cleaning the house Money for the cleaning How about water and soap Purchases from Walmart Without those, I couldn’t cope Allergies are going crazy Sneezing and such Grabbed a box of Kleenex Opened them, they do have a soft touch Hey, what’s a person to do With their nose dripping there in the store Wipe it on your sleeve? Or blow and blow some more Oh, those little mice Them and those nasty turds They could have stayed outside This I can concur So, here is the deal Only for Claire Lots of words rhyme with Turd Just so you are aware!

Continuing Mouse Saga

Continuing Mouse Story By Mary J Williams © It is now 6:38 a.m. I went back to sleep for awhile Woke up at normal time And even had a smile My eyes are watering Snot dripping from my nose Sinus problem too All from messing with those clothes Guess my body doesn’t like dust Surely not the mouse turds either cleaning up the mouse mess I think I need a breather! I thought about those mice And how and what they do They always seem to be around But what they did this time, who knew! They break into your home When the weather starts to cool I love all the animals But I surely am not a fool! When first you find the evidence You know one broke inside They have a great big house Plenty of places to hide I get out my traps Put the peanut butter on Trap those inside Until they all are gone No more evidence do you see No more mouse turds lying about You figure you have won Of that you have no doubt But your eagle eye keeps looking That’s the way it has been To stop them before destruction Just in ...

A Mouse in the House

A Full Closet of Clothes and a Mouse or Two                       By Mary J Williams © Have you ever looked in a closet, that is stuffed full of clothes? And see a bunch of mouse turds Where the mice ran across those! Yes, way at the top where the pole was Those blasted mice ran Leaving their droppings as they moved along As only a mouse can What is the solution Can you figure it out? Wash all the clothes I finally shout That is easier said than done Hangers have to be removed Each hanger has to be washed All the clothing moved Next you have to sort Whites are here and colors there These are mine; these are his I can barely breath the air Look up a dry cleaner You surely need one Old fireman’s coat and suits Not worn anymore but need done You drive to the close one They aren’t even there Been closed forever Now you think, where? After some driving, and asking Siri Wrong side of town, I have to move on But there is a seller here...