Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves
Leaves In My Yard By Mary J Williams © I just realized The way the wind was blowing A lot of my leaf mulch Blew about and was going To the neighbor’s yard They blow their leaves anyway They don’t like the leaves On the their yard to stay I leave my leaves Mulch is what they are But in these heavy winds They could go far Or maybe just next door To the neighbors they did go They are going to be upset When again they will have to blow Or maybe they went farther Down the hill to the back There they can stay And not cause any flack! I still have lots of leaves They keep my perennials warm In this cold, cold weather And in any snowstorm I went outside to check And boy was I surprised To see how many leaves In my yard, did still abide I didn’t lose any That is for sure I have all the neighbors Of that I can assure I will have plenty of leaves Plants won’t have a care Even the yard will have enough Good for pollinators everywhere The wind is still gently blowing I have an easy way to tell A wi...