Outside my Kitchen Window
When I am standing, at the kitchen window, I look out and usually see a bird of some kind. Today was no exception. I was just going to finish up getting some supper for my husband, when I looked out and saw a Northern Mockingbird. This has been an experience this year. I usually don't see them on my deck. I hear them a lot, I see them in flight, when I am driving down the street, but to look out, and see them on my deck eating some seed and even dipping into the grape jelly, that is what I call a Blessing. Not only that, there isn't just one, but two of them! It's a pair! I am so thrilled! I have seen both of them twice on the deck now. I dropped what I was doing, dinner can wait. Raced to the back room and grabbed my camera. Nope, they weren't there when I got back. I have noticed something I hadn't noticed before. When one flew in, that tail of his was up in the air. Reminded me of the Carolina Wren. After a short time, the tail went down, but later I saw it up...