
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Robin's Song

The Robin’s Song By Mary J Williams © It’s early in the morning What’s the song you hear The American Robin Whose song is so clear They sing even though it’s cloudy I hear them every morn They sing to greet the dawn Is this why they were born? Give everyone a greeting A lovely song to hear Each note is so lovely So crisp, so bright, and dear I love to hear the Robin Singing their lovely song It’s such a joy to hear them With a voice that is so strong Come sit by my window You can start my day With your lovely singing And keep the blues away!  

Safflower Seed Myth

The Safflower Seed Myth By Mary J Williams I know those squirrels aren’t hungry I have seed everywhere I have a fake corn suet They think their starving, I swear! The story is they won’t eat Safflower seed That is what I have heard I even looked it up Making sure that was the word I am looking out my window There is a squirrel sucking seed Through the little drain holes Eating with the greatest of speed What’s in that feeder? Do you need to ask? The hated Safflower seeds Eating is quite the task! I told him he isn’t supposed to like it But he is eating anyway So, I ran him off I can’t keep him at bay He will be back I am sure of that The other seed is hot He thinks I’m a dirty rat! Hot suet and Hot seed He hasn’t found the one Especially bought for them Corn stalk of suet purchased for fun So, little squirrel, look around the place You might find something you will eat Not that awful Safflower seed But another kind of treat!

Playing Favoritism and I Don't Care!

Playing Favoritism By Mary J Williams I looked out on the deck The birdfeeders were packed Sparrows and Grackles Starlings I didn’t lack I saw a little Downy Trying to get to the food So, on the deck I stepped Those other birds would start a feud When the Grackles and Starlings Saw me step on the deck They and the sparrows Flew off by heck The Downy went to the suet He started pounding away Getting his share of the food On this, a rainy wet day When the Grackles flew in I would raise my hand They took one look at me And they didn’t land The sparrows and Starlings too They all came flying in But I would raise my arm Off they went, as I did grin! The Downy ignored my movements He just kept on eating Realizing I was playing favorites His breakfast he was completing But, in came the one single Starling Ignoring me standing there Off flew the little Downy I scared that Starling off too, I didn’t care So, I’m playing favorites Those other birds have had plenty They eat 80% of the suet and se...

I Love My Kitchen Window!

 I was just going to get a cup of coffee, when I looked out the kitchen window and saw the Pileated Woodpecker.  I immediately ran to the back room and grabbed my camera.  I attempted to take a picture from the dining room window and then decided I wasn't getting a good shot so went to the kitchen window. Was hoping the Pileated wouldn't fly when he saw me in the window. That's when I saw the second one up on the lattice roof.  I watched and snapped a few pictures of the male and realized it was a Juvenile Pileated. The other was the adult male!  He would pound away on the suet and then he went to the Juvenile on the deck railing at the time, and fed him. After feeding, he went back to the suet.  I was hoping for a good shot of him feeding the youngster.  I got a couple of shots of the two of them on the railing of the deck. I tried a shot of him feeding the youngster but it was blurred and the view wasn't good as both were bent down behind a stake. I ...

The Suet is Out

The Suet is Out and the Jelly too! By Mary J Williams I put out the suet The large one and more The little pebbles I had left in the freezer door The Grackles was talking “Hurry up, you’re taking too long I laughed and said I’m doing it right I don’t want to do it wrong I heard other birds I swear they were watching me As I put up the suet And the grape jelly There were grackles and starlings And sparrows and more They all flew in As I just shut the door. I looked out my window Eight sparrows I see Some on the suet The starlings were three The one little grackle Who came and talked to me, Was trying to get his share They all were on an eating spree Not the favorite birds But soon they will come too I just have to be patient That’s all that I can do!

I'm Back! The Birds are Glad!

The Suet is Out and the Jelly too! By Mary J Williams I put out the suet The large one and more The little pebbles I had left in the freezer door The Grackles was talking “Hurry up, you’re taking too long I laughed and said I’m doing it right I don’t want to do it wrong I heard other birds I swear they were watching me As I put up the suet And the grape jelly There were grackles and starlings And sparrows and more They all flew in As I just shut the door. I looked out my window Eight sparrows I see Some on the suet The starlings were three The one little grackle Who came and talked to me, Was trying to get his share They all were on an eating spree Not the favorite birds But soon they will come too I just have to be patient That’s all that I can do!

I Lasted Two Days!

  It lasted all of Two days! By Mary J Williams I was so sad this morning No birds around to see I didn’t like it not one bit I really didn’t like me! I had a plan for my Grandson Besides him working outside Off to Missouri DOR The problems we took in stride We finally got back home Some chicken and some chips Back to the car we went And off on many trips First was Birds-I-View A little after ten I picked up four large suet The birds will return, I just wonder when Got some smaller suet too And another suet cage So not just what I had There will be more I wage After going to Walmart, Then Menard’s to plan and gawk Off to Sam’s was next Now so tired I can’t walk The suet was in the car True it wasn’t quite as hot But that suet was really soft Can’t put it out, like I thought I need to get the suet firm So, in the freezer it goes Then put it out in the morning When it’s really froze The birds are coming back This morning I put two suet out I guess you all knew it Didn’t take long, no...

Tears this Morning

Tears in my Eyes By Mary J Williams © It’s one of those days I have tears in my eyes Looking out my window I heaved a big sigh The Red-bellied flew in No suet did he find I felt so bad This is messing with my mind Yes, the Grackles are gone The Starlings are out of sight But this person is miserable No other birds are my plight Ok, there still are sparrows Eating the smaller seed Even the chickadees Will come in and feed “Big Deal”, I say I want my woodpeckers back Not having them all Is something I lack It’s hard to type With tears falling down Time to get suet I have to go to town Birds-I-View doesn’t open ‘til 10 Better get my work done So, I can leave by then Suet’s going back out Don’t care if it all lands on the deck Will just have to wash it off At least I will be happier, by Heck!

Found Another Thing the Raccoon Did Last Night

  The Other Thing the Raccoon Did Last Night By Mary J Williams © I was helping neighbor Chloe Put her plants into the ground She had tomatoes and peppers A couple of sunflowers too, I found We worked away Digging the holes I was instructing She was learning new goals I told her we needed stakes Plants needed the support I knew I had some around But some were mighty short I went to look over by the shed I opened the gate in front of me You will never guess What was laying there to see The lid from the thirty gallon can I use for the sunflower seed I looked inside the can Chewed up seed, something had a good feed Now, the lid I had on the can Was really weighted down A two-gallon pot, filled to the brim With Rocks! You should see my frown! The pot had been knocked off The lid had been pulled up Dropped upon the ground Seeds been eaten? Yup! When I took the nuts in last night The raccoon was probably ticked He wasn’t about to do without The rocks and lid did not restrict! I think the...

Talking to Racoons at Midnight

  Talking to the Raccoon By Mary J Williams I was busy crocheting Trying to mend a friend’s thing When all of a sudden The light in my brain went bling! I forgot to take in the seed And the mixed nuts too If the racoon shows up The nuts are the ones he will chew I didn’t bring the camera And when I opened the door A big raccoon was looking at me S/he thought he was going to score The thunder was booming Lightening in the sky The raccoon just stared at me “Get out of here”, I cry! I had to say it again “Go on, you need to leave The rain is coming down No more nuts will you thieve” As soon as the raccoon Finally waddled away, I put the water wiggler On the deck to stay Water Wigglers are knocked away By big racoons, you see They are in their way They already have broken three The raccoon has gone away Seed and nuts are inside now I left the empty jelly dish outside Hope s/he wouldn’t go for it anyhow

Water-Weeding and a Squirrel- A Father's Day Special

A Squirrel on Father’s Day  By Mary J Williams ©  It’s Father’s Day today  Got up early doing a tribute to my Dad  Found a poem I wrote  Lots of pictures I had  It was still real early  So, decided to go outside  Needed to water the plants  I didn’t want them to die  I just had to bend over  And pick a weed or two  Pulled out the dead pansies  Leaving them in the pots wouldn’t do  A little pile of weeds  Laying everywhere  But I am also watering  So, at this time, I don’t care  I caught a little movement  In the corner of my eye  It was a critter running at me  No time to think, I cry  I swung that hose around  As fast as I could  Yelling funny sounds  It’s running right to where I stood  Nope, he veered to the left  He jumped up in the tree  I’m still spraying the hose  In the direction he could be  I’m Bad!  I am laughing out loud...

The Alternative Plan for Feeding the Birds

The Alternative Plan for Feeding Birds By Mary J Williams © Just finished the other poem But my brain didn’t stop Thinking about missing birds An alternative plan I will plot The birdbath on the deck Will draw all the birds up there But no seed or suet will be found I know it doesn’t sound fair I have a shepherd’s hook Down in the lower yard Also, platform feeders Feed to be found won’t be too hard I will have sunflower seed And a mixed wild bird seed too There is also a couple of suet feeders The Pileated can’t use them, boohoo. There is another 2 x 4 I can put a large suet on As long as the woodpecker can rest his tail He will pound away till It’s gone The squirrels will be there But out of my sight Then I won’t get upset I hope that statements right! So, water will be on the deck Suet and seed down below I can still grab the camera That I already know. I can see from the dining room window But not as easy as from the kitchen The birdbath is always used So, not changing my position W...
It’s Really Over This Time! By Mary J Williams © That’s it, I’m done! Waking up to this Is no fun! Empty flower box On the deck floor Pieces of something Broken and more Looked around What did I see? Broken solar light They have also broken me Not putting out more seed Except what I brought in the house I can’t take any more Now, you can think me a louse Have gone through Six jars of jelly Not the orioles Sparrows think it’s their deli I have the occasional Cardinal A couple of Blue Jays too But mostly Grackles and Starlings The Sparrows, way over a few! I can’t have the flowers That I’ve had for years The new generation of birds Are the greediest, I fear Used to not having To look for anything Having it laid out So, they just waited like kings Well, now they have to work for the seed I have bugs, insects, beetles and more They can take pride in the yard Maybe, again, I will adore That goes for the squirrels And those raccoons too Go somewhere else Or you could end up as stew! Grackles...
The Raccoon Story in Rhyme By Mary J Williams © I like to tell stories                                                  And do it in rhyme The words don’t come easy I can’t do it all the time. Here is the story I am about to tell About a certain critter that has made me want to yell I bought a squirrel buster It’s a type of bird feeder I put yummy nuts in But this critter is a mind reader It seems he always knows When the nuts are filled to the top He comes in at night And to that feeder he hops His weight should be the thing That shuts that feeder down So, the critter can’t get in But he does, and he goes to town I haven’t figured out How he gets the nuts He uses his little fingers I think that’s how, but…. The other morning The critter was still there I let our dog, Lacy, out She started to chase, I swear My only fear at that time Was if Lacy got really close Th...
 One of those kinds of mornings. Have to repot plants, pick up soil, make a plan, add soil to tomato and flower pot, wash the flower box, put the basket in it and hopefully the darn raccoon doesn't bother it again!  Starting The Morning With a Groan By Mary J Williams © How is your morning? I hope better than mine Opened up the door And what did I find My planter knocked off again It’s on the floor of the deck The soil is all over the place The plants are a wreck In my pj’s yet After all it’s not even six I think for a minute And hope I have the fix I replant the plants In the big flower pot below They are doing okay Growing is a little slow! I took the soil From the fallen planter Put in the pot And in with the tomater. The plants all repotted Tomato has more soil Put some water in Hopefully, any tries again I spoil Now I have to wash the deck To clean up all the mess Hope I fixed the situation But that is anybody’s guess! After all repotted and deck washed off Close up With ...

Raccoon troubles Again!

 Will it never end?  I don't think so! As long as I am feeding the birds this critter is going to come to the deck.  The jelly dish was empty so, shame on me, I left it and didn't bring it in the house.  Flower Box Clean-up By Mary J Williams © The jelly dish was empty Guess the smell was there Raccoon just had to check it out Grab on the planter, he didn’t care The planter fell to the deck floor All the plants and dirt came out That’s what greeted me this morning Not again, I shout! I put out all the suet And the bird seed too Got that chore done The other will take more time, I knew Grabbed my gloves and soil Left both in the back room I used the water for clean up And not a little broom I separated the plants From the soil that's laying there. Started picking soil back up Getting exercise, I swear Got the soil and plants back in Now to wash off all the deck When the planter fell, Had to wash the steps too, by heck Well, I got those morning chores done And it’s no...

My Latest Critter Escapade

 I am sitting at the table reading my book and eating some grapes for a snack. I just happened to look down and saw there was a bad spot on the grape I was about to put in my mouth! Eww! Nasty looking. I laid it on the table! I then had a couple of peanuts, gave one each to the dogs. Grabbed the bad grape and the grape bag, put the bag in the refrigerator and decided to take the grape and put it on the railing of the deck along with the apple pieces I put there earlier. I really wish I carried my camera with me all the time. I opened the door and the raccoon was there. He left the bird feeder, with the mixed nuts in it, in a big hurry! It was 8:15 p.m.  I watched as he went down the steps and onto the lower deck. He turned and looked up at me. I took the grape in my hand and threw it!  It landed not to far from him. He ran over, picked it up and ate it all the while looking at me.  I wondered if he would eat the apple but as I threw it, he turned and ran out of the a...